Aug 2023 – New Paper Alert?!

Ahem, I (the narrator of the PIRC Chronicles) would like to take roll call and congratulate the following people for the publication of their most recent manuscript. (Please feel free to applause after every name).

Congratulations to

Aurelia Sahel, Rafael Ceschin, Daryaneh Badaly, Madison T Lewis, 
Vince K Lee, Julia Wallace, Jacqueline Weinberg, Vanessa Schmithorst, Cecilia 
Lo, and Ashok Panigrahy

They published a paper entitled: Increased Cerebello-Prefrontal Connectivity Predicts Poor Executive Function in Congenital Heart Disease  to the journal Journal of Clinical Medicine. This paper is pretty cool and I’ll tell you why. Here at PIRC, we place special emphasis on studying Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) to gain insights into, anticipate, and address the potential symptoms CHD children might experience as they age. In this paper, we might have uncovered additional clues that can aid in predicting certain poor executive function symptoms observed in CHD patients. Not only could these clues enhance our predictive capabilities, but they also open up a new avenue of research to delve into the underlying reasons behind it all.

If you see these folks make sure to give them the high five they deserve 🖐